Sign the Green Pledge The Green Business Handbook

Some Lebanese companies and organizations have already passed the green light. Here are some examples:

  • Cooperated with Lebanese Ministry of Energy to develop a power plant with a capacity of 320 kilowatts. The plant currently covers part of the Casino’s electricity consumption, the project will produce more electricity at a later stage
  • Collaborated with the Lebanese Food Bank which collects leftover food from the Casino on a daily basis, transferring it to charity institutions that then distribute it to the needy
  • Worked on establishing a recycling plan for plastic materials and waste, in cooperation with Tabarja Municipality and The Disabled and Society association
  • Sorting waste including plastic, glass, paper and other materials. Tabarja Municipality then transfers it to an assembly center where it is recycled and re-used, thus providing a material return to The Disabled and Society association

  • Certified with the international standard ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System certification 
  • Promotes and adopts recycling in offices, residential buildings and with clients
  • Measures and controls electricity and fuel consumption for certified sites
  • Controls paper consumption through a well-defined set of Key Performance Indicators with a set target 
  • Conducts green activities on a yearly basis through team outings 
  • Uses green cleaning product in projects 
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  • Implemented a trash sorting initiative in 2015
  • Paper and waste sorting bins are available at the Zalka main branch, in all offices, kitchenettes and the cafeteria
  • All the magazines and paper used are recycled
  • Regular internal communications are delivered to encourage employees to actively participate in the sorting initiative
  • The official insurer of Bi Clean, the sorting factory of the Bekfaya municipality for the last three years
  • Proudly sponsored and insured the Waste Management in Lebanon Conference and Exhibition, 2019

  • Staff turn off lights, electronics and heaters/AC when not in use
  • Maximize natural light; lights are rarely turned on during the day
  • Sort and compost organic waste 
  • Eliminate the usage of plastic cutlery, cups and bottles
  • Staff use only the necessary amount of water when washing
  • Carpool whenever possible
  • Reduce paper usage. Paper is only used when necessary
  • Presence of desk plants 

  • Installed semi airtight compressors for all freezers and coolers which ensures low electricity consumption
  • Placed stickers above light switches to spread awareness among the team and decrease electrical consumption
  • Changing all lights by LEDs
  • Recycling all scrap pallets, cartons, nylons, paper and oils used

  • Energy Consumption & Emissions
  • Committed since 2017 to Lebanon Climate Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with a network of private companies
  • Workshops and training sessions are given by experts to spread awareness in the private sector about its effective contribution in the fight against climate change
  • Submitted an action plan to Lebanon Climate Act and the Ministry of Environment, which involved all staff members, to enhance green culture and the sustainable architectural vision

  • Environmental Impact
  • Advises clients to choose affordable and clean energy systems, which contribute to sustainable cities and communities
  • Engaged in the following initiatives:
    - Green buildings/designs
    - Nature preservation
    - Energy consumption and emissions
    - Waste management and recycling

  • Green Buildings and Design
  • Advises many municipalities in Lebanon to consider energy savings and cities and communities’ sustainable development when working on projects
  • Committed in its strategic plan to promoting green culture among clients to install energy and water-saving systems
  • Erga Academy plays a major role in engaging architects and engineers in providing suitable training courses about worldwide green standards (LEED, BREEAM, QSAS, Istidama)
  • LEED GA training has been attended by 96 engineers to incorporate green design systems in their projects and explain their importance to their clients. Seventy engineers will be given LEED GA training in 2019.
  • When a new supplier introduces a new innovation it is automatically transmitted through Erga Academy and Erga’s Library to architects and engineers in search of new solutions in designing green buildings, and from them it is transmitted to clients providing the best suppliers’ contact information for this purpose

  • Nature Preservation
  • Committed 10 years ago to support Jouzour Loubnan in their journey. Organize, on yearly basis, plantation days with staff members and their families. Plant more than 800 cedar and juniper trees in many regions in Lebanon each year

  • Waste Management & Recycling 
  • Segregate waste as follow: 
    - Paper, foam board, cardboard
    - Small plastic water bottles
    - Old computers, peripherals (scanners, printers, etc.)
  • Paper, IT equipment, plastic bottles and caps are picked by Arcenciel and L’Ecoute Organization. This year more than 100 computers with servers, printers and scanners and around 10 tons of papers were disposed
  • Reduce paper use by switching to e-forms

  • Alfa 4-Nature program: Work on internal and external measures for a more sustainable environment. Reduce environmental footprint by optimizing waste management, reducing energy consumption, and cutting carbon emissions

  • Adopted innovative and simple solutions to make premises more eco-friendly, such as:
    Green services initiatives: e-billing and e-recharge services

  • Energy Efficiency:
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Adopting energy efficient technologies such as electronic ballasts, energy efficient practices on all premises, setting a power shut down level for floor lighting and kitchen pantries, and installing motion detectors in parking and bathrooms, reducing energy consumption by more than 40 percent
  • Using energy efficient components in buildings (offices, networks, cooling systems, end-user equipment)
  • Renewable energy sourcing: powering base stations with solar energy
  • Installing exhaust oxygen sensors in company fleet to make vehicles run more efficiently
  • Adjusting louvers and installing timers in building management system (BMS) in order to reduce leakage at elbows in all ACs
  • Enabling sleep mode in the power management network tool
  • Configuring computers and printers to shut down when not in use
  • Configuring automatic power save settings for copiers, shredders, and screens
  • Installing a fans and pumps schedule on BMS at our headquarters
  • Registering hourly meter readings at each gasoil refilling

  • Waste Management:
  • Recycling all recyclable waste with Arcenciel and L’Ecoute
  • Disposing Recycling bins in all premises
  • Raising awareness of all Alfa employees and encouraging them to adopt green habits
  • Shipping 460 tons of e-waste to be recycled according to international standards

  • Greening efforts:
    One tree is being planted by Alfa’s partners on Lebanese territory against each allocated site on the Alfa network 
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  • Launched a new division called Second Life with aim to up-cycle old furniture or fixtures instead of throwing them away when promotion is over or unit reaches end of life

  • Reuse double sided printed paper as drafts and envelopes for internal mail
  • Scan documents instead of photocopying and hard copies
  • Refill empty printer toner cartridges by the suppliers instead of throwing them away
  • Encourage employees to be cautious in energy and water usage in the office: shut down electronics, turn off lighting, fans and/or AC units, and unplug electronics that consume energy, and reduce power consumption when not in use or during off hours
  • Shifted to LED lights to reduce energy consumption
  • Implemented a “no smoking” policy in office

  • Offer world class health services in pest management, food safety and biosecurity since 1994 
  • Provide safety, as part of the pest management industry through consultants, trainers, business experts and certified technicians who work hard under the umbrella of public health 
  • Became a pioneer in adopting green pest management service, following strict protocols that focuses on non-chemical methods, selecting least hazardous pesticides and using them only when deemed necessary in smart, risk averse, targeted applications
  • Enrolling “green” services within the business lines: introduced Green IPM™ by Boecker® program which maintains green buildings and towers that became more energy efficient by responsibly following rigorous environmental policies across their operations. The program complies with international “green buildings” standards such as LEED, BREAM, GSAS, Arz and many more
  • Renovated few public properties and transformed them into public gardens in Beirut
  • Cooperated with several companies and NGOs such as Sicomo and Arcenciel, helping them to collect plastic bottles caps and paper waste to raise funds to manufacture wheelchairs for people with disabilities
  • Boecker® Loves Beirut initiative was carried out around the capital by planting trees to support the afforestation of Beirut, which is lacking green space
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  • Enhance sustainability practices to help minimize the Company’s environmental footprint, reduce costs and enrich the work experience of the team
  • 5th Beirut LEED Continuous Education Workshop: For the 5th year, this event taking place on the 12th and 13th of April will be attended by LEED Accredited Architects & Engineers wishing to fulfill their continuous education hours’ requirement as part of their 2 years’ LEED Credential maintenance program. (15 LEED CE Hours)
  • First Residential LEED certified Building in Lebanon: As part of Green building certification consultancy services, SEEDS consulted successfully the “B11 Beirut” residential project to become on March 23rd 2018, the first residential project in Lebanon ever to be LEED certified
  • BDL Green Loans:  Having the full knowledge, qualifications and related expertise, the team has been carrying out the preparation and submittal process for the green NEEREA and LEA loans supported by BDL, on several projects in Lebanon targeting energy efficient, environmental measures and/or green certifications, where a continuous and successful coordination with LCEC has been taking place
  • ARZ National rating system: SEEDS Managing partner was heading the LGBC’s ARZ NC Energy subcommittee to deliver a set of energy related criteria for Buildings in Lebanon aiming to target this national green building rating system, taking into account the local context and market constraints. This new rating system is still in the preparation phases
  • Recycling at the Office: Since the office was opened, the management provided 3 types of recycling containers clearly labeled in the office. Recycling is picked up on a weekly basis
  • Office Energy savings: Use of LED lamps and power saving electronics, Switching lights when not in need, relying on natural ventilation when mild conditions allow
  • Education & Awareness: Raising awareness on Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Environment and Green design through a series of courses, seminars and trainings provided in several sectors and in different universities
  • Reduce office waste: Encouraging team on reduced paper printing and adopting double-sided printing when needed, along with adopting recycled paper for official documentation

  • Measure the environmental impact of operations, identify areas for improvement, implement solutions and always monitor performance for achieving continuous improvement in environmental efficiency through Amadeus Environmental Management System 
  • The Environmental Management System reports data on five elements (electricity, CO2 emissions, paper, water and waste) from 13 main Amadeus sites, which represent an estimated 90% of the total Amadeus resource consumption worldwide. This reporting tool enables to compare and analyze data from each site to identify the best practices that are potentially applicable at all Amadeus premises worldwide
  • The Environmental Management System monitors Amadeus’ environmental data since 2009. It has been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which evaluated Amadeus Environmental Policy and Management System and assigned the maximum score for four years in a row
  • Joined the United Nations Climate Neutral Now pledge, committing to become carbon-neutral and make their contribution toward reaching the 2 degrees target set by the Paris Agreement
  • Invests more than €2 million daily in R&D to develop state-of-the-art technology solutions that help to improve the operational efficiency of customers. This increased operational efficiency is linked in many cases to improved environmental efficiency. Interestingly, environmental benefits expand to a wide range of stakeholders in the industry, including airlines, airports and cities. Works with customers in order to enhance and monitor this positive environmental impact
  • Work with various industry stakeholders in different projects who focus on travel industry sustainability. Their main partners are UN agencies, research institutions and industry associations
  • Signed a long-term agreement with ICAO whereby Amadeus uses ICAO’s carbon calculator on its distribution platforms. Corporations and travelers can be informed during the booking process about the greenhouse gas emissions released during their trips. ICAO’s carbon calculator brings the benefits of commercial neutrality and legitimacy to represent aviation and global reach, since ICAO is the United Nations agency in charge of civil aviation
  • Enhanced their relationship with UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council), UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and academic institutions like Griffith University, mainly in the form of joint endeavors relating to the measurement and monitoring of sustainability in travel and tourism 
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  • Reduce – Reuse – Recycle:
  • Reduce printing and paper use: emails, print on both sides of paper
  • Reuse stationary
  • ntroduce a recycling system (Cans, papers, plastic)
  • Avoid plastic cups and cutlery (Removed all plastic cups from the offices and offer reusable ceramic mugs on occasions)
  • Placed cigarettes bins at the entrance (to be collected for recycling and manufacturing surfboards)
  • Encourage stairs use by launching the campaign “Darreja”
  • Ensure air conditioning systems and lights are off before leaving the office
  • Install a scheduled lighting system for SABA HOUSE building sign
  • Communication:
  • Involve all employees to make the new CSR approach a success (emails, social media, and SAWA: the employee magazine)
  • Transition: Awareness trainings and workshops
  • Go public with social media posts and continuous website updates (dedicated CSR section on the website)
    Future plans:
  • Eliminate plastic usage
  • Use glass drinking gallons instead of plastic
  • Provision of handy solutions/utensils to be part of daily life (using EcoSouk products)
  • Install a dual flush systems in the toilet 
  • Install low-flow faucet aerator

  • Offer wastewater treatment according to the most up-to-date technology patented worldwide (Generation of Free Radicals in situ (USOO8048317B2)):
  • Recycle wastewater and reducing the underground water pollution
  • Reuse of treated wastewater in flashing and toilets

  • Going green since 1997
  • Recycle all waste including electronics
  • Cancelled all faxes and transferred to e-fax and emails
  • Print only when needed
  • Print on both sides of papers
  • Reuse if possible used papers internally
    Future plans: 
  • switching to green energy: solar system facilities for our employees for domestic usage

  • In addition to being a board member on the Lebanon Green Building Council, Mecatrade conducts a lot of awareness-building workshops and seminars, and collaborates with Libnor to prepare a green Lebanese standard
  • Uses LED lights in offices to reduce heat and energy consumption
  • Low-e double glazing with rolling sun screens were used to protect from heat and glare, and reduce heating and cooling loads, reducing energy and fuel consumption
  • Promote and encourage employees to be cautious in energy and water usage in the office
  • Installed solar collector panels on roof to serve the hot water system
  • Designed offices to maximize natural daylight
  • Use new environmentally-friendly biodegradable plastic trash bags
  • Use direct recycling paper 
  • Established a paper recycling system in offices
  • Turn off office equipment when not in use
  • Implemented a no smoking policy in offices
  • Encourage clients to adopt environmentally-friendly solutions where possible like MSE walls

  • Turning off equipment when it's not being used. This have reduced the energy used by 25%; moreover, turning off the computers at the end of the day have saved an additional 50%
  • Encouraged communications by emails, and reading email messages onscreen and in case of any necessity, we print them
  • Reduced using fax-related paper waste by using a fax-modem which it was the best way to be paperless and environment friendly
  • Producing double-sided documents whenever possible
  • Our lighting bulbs used are environment friendly and less costly
  • Our future plan is to encourage our employees, families, friends, international partners and clients to go green by showing them our result of practicing our green initiative plans to keep going on to save our environment

  • Eliminate waste in printing
  • Buy environmentally friendly papers
  • Power savings by eliminating screen savers, installing motion sensors, buying LED lamps...
  • Reduce toilet water consumption

  • Files, envelopes and all papers used by the office are made out of recycled material
  • Minimize printing if necessary by diminishing the size of the font by (-1). It does not affect much the reading experience but saves around 20% of paper
  • Collect the used paper and first use it as rough drafts and then when they are fully used, we want to get them recycled
  • Changed all the lighting in the office to led lighting since it does not use as much energy as normal light bulbs but have the same effect

  • Paper and plastic recycling in our Offices & Homes
  • Social Media: Earth Day & Other Campaigns
  • Green Tips incorporated in our Internal Policies & Procedures (Green travel tips and Green behavior)

  • In order to promote internally and externally the Green Building business, 5 of our engineers were trained on behalf of our office and were accredited the LEED GA certificate from USGBC. They hence apply their expertise into our projects, when the client requires such services
  • Internally, we have a printing policy only-when-necessary and we recycle our waste and donate them to related institutions

  • Energy Saving: we shut down all systems daily to conserve energy, and we use LED lighting
  • Recycling: we sort and recycle all our waste, and reuse printed paper internally as notebooks
  • LEED Construction: we encourage and advise our clients to apply LEED construction standards to create innovative green buildings
  • Water Based Paint: we use only water based paints, which lessens the use of solvents, in turn lowering the emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (Voc)
  • Operations Best Practices: we advise clients to implement environmentally friendly best practices that conserve energy, water, and reduce waste

    As Architects, we are directing all our designs towards green architecture by introducing elements, systems and trends that minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by:
  • Efficiency in the use of material
  • Moderation in energy consumption and the use of energy saving systems
  • Used water treatment plants for irrigation
  • Waste Management
  • Ecosystems
  • Sustainable Architecture
  • Organic Architecture
  • Minimize trucks travel distances by specifying nearby factories for cement block

  • Enhancing its 'green' image by properly segregating and recycling its wastes (paper, plastic, carton…) and has already replaced its lighting system inside the corporate with energy efficient ones. Moreover, since going green mean in practice to travel less, V4 Advisors’ team has regulated their flights, reducing the carbon footprint of the company
  • Helping individuals to drive change online in their local community by providing them the “Individual GHG Platform” through our website, a free of charge online calculator that helps individuals compute their own CO2 emissions based on their country’s specific emission factors. Our website also provides individuals with appropriate tips on how to reduce carbon emissions from different sources
  • Posting interesting environmental topics on our Facebook page, especially “Vsession” posts, where V4 Advisors support the organizations that have undertaken innovative approaches to reduce their environmental footprint, by composing articles about their environmental initiatives, with the purpose of disseminating information and spreading awareness on these issues
  • In Lebanon, we drive our Green Image further by taking part in the Green Schools’ Certification program, thus offering 100 online certified tools to 100 Lebanese private and public schools based on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol’s methodologies, to compute their schools’ carbon footprint. Also, to implement this program sustainably, V4 Advisors took a further step and calculated the GHG emissions resulting from this whole “Green Schools’ Certification program” project, with the objective of offsetting its footprint
  • Launch, regularly, environmental workshops to enlighten the concept of GHG auditing and to promote environmental awareness. In 2015, V4 Advisors conducted a workshop for Bank Audi employees’ children on how each individual can calculate the GHG emissions from his/her own house, by using GHG Protocol’s methodologies. Following this workshop, in 2016, V4 Advisors conducted several other workshops to explain the concept of climate change to 4000 students from Al Makassed and Sagesse schools, who have participated in Bank Audi’s Carbon Footprint microsite competition
  • Partnered with Sursock museums and computed the Carbon Footprint of its "Let's Talk About the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis" Exhibition, using V4 Advisors' certified tool by GHG Protocol
  • Fostering sustainable economic growth for our company and our clients is at the heart of our environmental strategy. So, as per the decision 99/1 issued by the Ministry of Environment, V4 Advisors, and for the second year, has been awarded an acknowledgment certificate by the Minister of Environment and has assisted its clients for 3 years to get awarded as companies that has successfully audited, reported and communicated their respective GHG emissions
  • V4 Advisors are currently expending its environmental strategies outside Lebanon by running a GHG reduction Competition with Clean Energy business Council, for more than 30 schools and 65000 students in UAE, to measure and reduce their carbon footprint. The received data from the schools up till now have been showing extremely interesting results, for the winning school will receive a 1KW on-grid solar system by Tanweer Solar Energy

  • IT infrastructure is based and uses the lowest power consuming devices
  • IT equipment (printers, screens, TVs…) is power saving
  • All printers are configured in eco mode (low ink usage)
  • All electrical equipment is serially linked to specific sensors and timers (reducing power)
  • Switched all spot lights to LED technology
  • 3M glass to isolate the external heat and radiation

  • ‘Being a leading international consultancy, Dar shares with the world community its concern about global warming and is committed to design energy efficient and sustainable buildings in accordance with LEED criteria.’ Dr. Kamal Shair
  • Undertook an ambitious plan to educate and certify its employees according to LEED ”Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” Professional Accreditation Program. This Professional Accreditation plan shall follow a periodic educational cycle “Green Wave” starting from a LEED general introduction to receiving the “LEED accredited professional with specialty” certificate. Same applies for “BREEAM”
  • Recycle all wasted papers, devices and plastic caps
  • Replace all neon light fixtures in DAR Main Building with LED tubes. Remaining buildings to follow after we have a good study on cost savings
  • Switch all non-neon light bulbs in the office buildings and guesthouses, to either LED or energy savings bulbs
  • Participate every year on EARTH HOUR by turning off our lights
  • All staff are encouraged to switch off their computers before leaving the office
  • All staff are encouraged to carpool as directed through DAR website
  • Rooftop chillers are switched off between 8:00pm and 7:00am
  • All glass windows have been covered with UV and light films to reduce energy waste through the window
  • DAR buildings were refinished with a special heat reducing paint in order to save on the cooling bill in the summer
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  • GlobeMed Lebanon is committed to minimize waste by implementing an internal recycling system on papers, metals, plastics and electronics in cooperation with Arc en Ciel.
  • Recycling bins were designed and installed in all company’s floors and departments.
  • On Christmas, all employees were granted refillable bottles encouraging them to use less plastic cups and bottles.
  • Installed an exhaust on company’s generator to reduce toxic emission.
  • A GPS system has been installed in all company’s vehicles to cut down on unnecessary long travels.
  • All renovated floors were equipped with LED lights to reduce energy consumption.
  • Launched “Take the stairs” campaign in the company to encourage a healthier lifestyle and reduce energy consumption.
  • GlobeMed Lebanon organizes hiking trips each year to various destinations around Lebanon for its employees, during which trees were/will be planted for a greener environment in Lebanon.
  • Assigned a green ambassador to follow-up and monitor all green initiatives implemented.
    Future Plans:
  • To install stickers “save energy while at work” in all floors encouraging employees to switch off lights before leaving the office and reduce energy consumption.
  • To raise the environmentally friendly awareness among employees through internal campaigns to encourage recycling, saving energy, and reducing water consumption.
  • Plants will be planted to create a greener environment around the premises.

  • Implemented a switch off campaign for lights and office equipment
  • Implemented default double sided printing
  • Installed timers on printers to ensure shut down during out of office hours
  • Replaced inefficient, high energy light bulbs with lower wattage, energy saving lights
  • Produced double-sided documents whenever possible

  • Data Consult has engaged Pesco Energy SAL to switch its entire office light fixtures to a more environmentally friendly solution and this effort has reduced the energy consumption over the last two years by 60%. Data Consult is proud to share in numbers the savings made as per the below table. Environmental Benefits over 24 months. 
    Annual CO2 emission reduction = 38,264 kg⁴
    Annual Tree Planting Equivalent = 59, 556 m² of tree⁵
  • Data Consult runs an e-service employee interaction tool where employees can find organizational announcements, news/events, and furthermore use the portal to manage annual leaves, payroll transactions and employee claims/requests. The launching of online workflows has reduced the usage of paper by 30%
  • Data Consult continuously initiates and promotes eco-friendly technologies, such as teleconferencing, energy optimization solutions, data virtualization, Cloud based solutions,  etc. that will allow its clientele to grow their businesses while minimizing their carbon footprint and initial investment
  • Data Consult adopts a minimalistic approach to stock keeping to further reduce its carbon footprint
  • Data Consult went digital in all its client communication, i.e. newsletters, invitations, event collaterals to reduce the usage of paper, making sure to opt for environmentally friendly products and recycled material
  • Data Consult invested in a new cloud-based portal to manage its customer relationship
  • Data Consult in collaboration with Zero Waste was able to recycle all the waste generated by the company, with respect to the international norms of recycling and waste management. Data Consult reduced its paper consumption by 56% from 2015 to 2016. Data Consult also enrolled in a Plastic and Aluminum recycling program that is also aimed at encouraging  employees to adopt the same approach outside the company premises
  • Data Consult is actively working on promoting its managed services to provide its clients with solutions that will manage their resources and energy consumption in a more economical manner
  • Data Consult will be installing smart devices that will allow the automatic shutdown of office lights and AC units when employees step outside of their offices. In the same spirit, the solution will allow the company to monitor in real time the energy consumption of all its electrical appliances including the backup generators
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  • Shut off our monitors and/or manually send our computers into energy-saving modes (standby or hibernate) when not in use and turn them off at night
  • Make the sleep mode enabled on all copiers and all printers after five minutes or more of inactivity
  • Install motion detectors near lightings in corridors and main entrances
  • During summer, set air conditioners to 21 Ê 23 degrees temperature instead of the energy consuming 16 Ê 19 degrees
  • Use rechargeable rather than single-use batteries
  • Post prompts and stickers on light switches, to remind them to turn off the lights in every room they leave
  • Send an email to staff before holidays and breaks containing an energy saving checklist to be followed by them at home

  • Transportation
  • Assist employee in linking trips to accomplish all tasks in one outing (supported through time-management training)

  • Reducing Hazardous Materials
  • Eliminate aerosol cleaners and toxic room fresheners
  • Use one or a few multipurpose cleaners, rather than many special-purpose cleaners
  • Substitute traditional plastic bags with d2w biodegradable bags

  • Recycling and Reusing
  • Establish a recycling system in the office: install 3 separate bins for paper, plastic and glass
  • Install recycling bins in all common areas where trash bins are present, such as in kitchens, break rooms, conference rooms, mail rooms, and copy rooms with clear recycling signs
  • Provide recycling bins at events and meetings sponsored by the company
  • Send mixed paper (junk mail, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, phonebooks, etc.) for recycling
  • Print and/or copied on both sides of a page whenever possible. Set double-siding as a default on office computers
  • Reuse paper that has text on only one side whenever appropriate. Keep a scrap paper pile near our printer and/or copier
  • Use eco-friendly, certified paper for all printing purposes

  • Creating environmental awareness
  • Adopt an internal Green strategy
  • Promote being Green on promotional material, website, and e-mail
  • Purchase from Green friendly suppliers
  • Educate and train employees, clientele and buyers about the advantages of Green behavior
  • Sponsor a Green conference, event or workshop

  • Participation, Engagement and Exposure
  • Sign the Lebanon Opportunities Green Pledge
  • Form a Green Committee or a Green Coordination in the company, responsible for initiating, supervising and encouraging green initiatives on the corporate level
  • Participate in green-related events, activities, conferences and workshops
  • Organize green-related events on the corporate level, employees of all levels

  • The company has a hybrid vehicle, diminishing the consumption of fuel
  • Sorting at source has been implemented at our office, using a 4 system bin, taking into account that our main waste is paper and is disposed of in a specific bin
  • Organic waste is disposed of in a composting box located near the office
  • Awareness sessions about waste prevention for all employees and ban on disposable items such as polystyrene cups and cutlery
  • Communication about waste practices when we meet partners
  • Appointment of one green coordinator

  • Drink from reusable mugs or water bottles
  • Lessen paper waste via promoting the use of whiteboards, printing on/using both sides of a page, printing when only needed
  • Reduce food waste during the weekly mixers throughout acceleration programs
  • Send electronic newsletters and producing as little promotional leaflets as possible
  • Communicate with accelerated startups on a regular basis about economizing electricity, whether lights or ACs, and water in Speed@BDD's premises
  • Request air dryers in the bathroom
  • Use of LED lamps and power saving electronics 
  • Encourage startups going through acceleration to use carpooling
  • Put in place a paper recycling process
  • Encourage video conferences to reduce pollutant emissions
  • Promote green startup initiatives by startups such as Carpolo, Blinkmycar, Next Automated Robots, etc.
  • Promote the Green Pledge with our stakeholders and suppliers


  • Raise awareness on the importance of sustainable development. In Universities, as part of the total quality management courses, the following topics are raised and discussed thoroughly in class, through case studies and research papers:
  • Social responsibility
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Occupational Health & Safety

  • Using LED Lights to reduce energy consumption
  • Sorting waste for recycling
  • Encouraging team on reduced paper printing and adopting double-sided printing when needed
  • Collecting bottle caps for Arc-en-ciel
  • Implementing Smoke-free offices Policy
  • Reducing Water consumption
  • Planning to reduce the use of paper in workshops by encouraging the use of electronic devices

  • Limited printing documents that are not required to such as legal & financial documents
  • Limit electricity use in our offices during the day by opening the curtains
  • Make sure to close the water tap whenever unused
  • Use recycled papers as much as possible 
  • Provided free trainings, speeches to NGOs taking care of the Green Environment

    Our type of business:
  • Environment is deeply rooted in our business as we audit enterprises according to international environmental standards (ISO 14001: 2015) and we deliver certificates accordingly. We also train environmental managers and auditors to manage their responsibility in the most professional way possible

  • Communication in soft mode:
  • During our communication, we always keep in mind to use the minimum paper possible. All our documents are sent by mail and we request soft copies of the documents from our customers. We also tend to reduce the mails’ exchange as this can also be polluting. Oral communication is encouraged when possible and a platform is used with our HQ in Paris
  • Our certificates are not printed but sent by mail to our customers. Our customers are free to print them or not
  • Our training plan is distributed as soft copy

  • Optimization of documents’ printing:
  • We optimize the quantity of our printings
  • We print all our documents on both sides of the paper and useless documents are used as drafts
  • We reduce color printing
  • We centralize our printings

  • Recycling:
  • We recycle our papers, plastics, cans and cartridges. We work with Zero waste act and Beeatona for this purpose
  • We reduce the consumption of non-reusable items in our kitchen

  • Energy consumption:
  • We reduce our energy consumption. We turn off the lights and our computers when we do not need them
  • We encourage carpooling

  • Specialized in the execution of all mechanical and energy saving works such as Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning, sanitary, plumbing, and energy recovery and energy saving projects since 1982
  • In 2013, MEC has become the distributor for Econotherm® products and systems. Econotherm® (part of Spirax Sarco) is a company based in the United Kingdom specialized in manufacturing of “waste heat recovery heat exchangers” using “heat pipe” technology. Since 2007, Econotherm® has provided waste heat recovery solutions in food, building materials, forestry, metals, mining, oil and gas, power, refinery and pharmaceutical sectors
  • In 2014, MEC has become the distributor for Calorex® products and systems. Calorex® is a company based in the United Kingdom specialized in manufacturing of “Heat pumps and indoor swimming pool environmental control units”. Calorex® units are designed for maximum efficiency and energy saving in indoor swimming pool facilities
  • Shifted to using LED lights to reduce energy consumption
  • Installed Split air conditioning system with inverter technology in our offices

  • Signed with “l’ecoute” to take our recycling from our offices including computer hardware. We encourage our employees to do the same at home
  • Use Fabriano recycled paper as A4 and print our policies on A5 format to reduce by half the impact of the use of paper
  • All lights and computers are turned off once we leave the office, only the strict minimum remains on


  • Use d2w bags in our offices
  • Reuse papers by printing double sided for all internal prints
  • Recycle paper by sending them to “Zero Waste Act” and the Covers of the plastic bottles by sending them to Arc en Ciel
  • Recycle regularly plastic bottles and caps through Arcenciel
  • Utilize low consumption lighting in our offices and provide Bonuses to the employees who drive Bikes
  • Encourage employees to carpool by introducing the Medco carpool plan
  • Install GPS on all vehicles cutting down on unnecessary fuel consumption
  • Promote sales of recycled paper in office supplies division and use paper only from sustainable forests and chlorine free
  • Create awareness by broadcasting newsletters on website and in publications
  • Smoke free offices since the year 2000
  • Work towards the reforestation of Lebanon by offering trees as corporate gifts and engaging in plantation activities with employees. As a personal initiative of Mr. Fernand hosri; Ficut trees were planted in Sioufi Garden and other areas
  • Participated in I phone I tree Initiative, and the Plantation day
  • Switch sales employees to hand held machines which saves 90% of the energy consumed by regular computers and saves on paper since it shortcuts the paperwork usually involved
  • Use flat screens only and always shut down during closing hours which saves 50% of the energy used
  • Take empty plots from municipality and turn them into small gardens
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