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Green homes in the pipeline
Affordable units with available financing
Ten pilot low-carbon emitting homes have been developed under the National Action for Green Energy Efficiency Buildings (NAGEEB) program, a public private partnership supported by UNDP. Around 300 homes are in the pipeline, with a goal to execute 1,500 homes by 2030, according to Bernard Ammoun, CEO of Green Future Lebanon Holding, the project's developer.

"NAGEEB aims to fight against the desertification of villages, to reduce the construction process's environmental impact, and to provide easier access to accommodation," he said.

All of the homes will be constructed using funds from subsidized loans that are set at zero percent interest over 14 years, supported by the Central Bank (BDL).

Loans can also be co-financed by the Public Corporation of Housing (PCH).

The homes measure 50-300 square meters (m2). Ammoun said that the value of a 100 m2 house is $60,000. The average monthly cost per household to have one of these homes constructed ranges between $420 and $830. This depends on specifications.

The development process is automated and will require minimum labor. Only lightweight steel and special concrete are used in the construction process. All energy efficient techniques are connected to an energy management system visible to users.

Ammoun said: "This is important so that the user realizes where consumption is going and can then control it."

The low-carbon homes will include a biomass boiler connected to a central heating system that complements a solar-water heating system. Grey water is treated and used as a fertilizer for plants. The black water system is composed of a composting toilet or dry toilet, similar to that found on airplanes. The system utilizes predominantly an aerobic processing system.

Ammoun said: "We also use a harvesting system for the collection of rainwater."

The home uses sustainable wood for flooring, LED lighting, and double-glazed windows.

The NAGEEB program intends to set up a vocational training center in which trainees can acquire the expertise to build their own homes as per the specified standards.
Published on: Nov 14, 2016