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Ecological Adventure Park inaugurated in Jbeil
To boost economy of seven villages
The Ecological Adventure Park in Bentael Nature Reserve in Mechehlen, Jbeil is expected to boost the economy of seven participating villages. More than 6500 visitors are expected to visit the adventure area, annually.

The project is a program of The Building Alliance for Local Advancement, Development, and Investment (BALADI).

The area includes an outdoor adventure area, a library, a conservation museum, a solar power system, and a showroom for local products and handicrafts. The park is designed to be accessible to people with disabilities.

The project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was implemented by the René Moawad Foundation (RMF).

The five-year BALADI program is currently supporting 17 municipal-led development activities. In 2015, 40 additional activities will be selected for funding under the program.