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'Bike Du Liban' project launch
A rural tourism campaign
The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) launched the 'Bike Du Liban Project', a touristic, sporting, cultural, and environmental initiative.

Bike Du Liban advocates the use of bikes instead of cars throughout the country. The initiative is part of the MoT's rural tourism campaign.

Former Education Minister Khaled Kabbani, and General Director of Social welfare institutions in Dar al-Aytam, said this project brings multiple benefits. It helps to preserve the environment and it fixes the transportation and traffic obstacles. Moreover, it fosters a national sports culture.

It is supported by the Central Bank, the Ministry of Youth, along with other civil society organizations. Gaby Tamer, Chairman of G. Tamer Holding, is the chairman of the project.

"Ministers and Parliament Members can substitute their cars with bicycles when they go to work, just as the government leaders in Europe do," Tamer said.

Reported by Rana Freifer